Deep Abundance: Manifest Your Dreams Into Reality

Deep Abundance:
Manifest Your Dreams Into Reality

It’s time for you to open towards prosperity that surrounds us all.

or Watch The Free Meditation Below:



For brief context, my name is Travis Ruskus and I’m a modern artist. I wrote a book called The Rock Balancer’s Guide which shares the philosophy and spiritual benefits I discovered through years of evolving my own rock balancing practice as well as insights discovered teaching thousands of people how to rock balance. I love teaching this art form to others to help lift limits and discover true potential.

I also recently developed an on-demand wellness workshop, Deep Abundance ($37) that walks you through 7 actionable habits to relax from stress, build confidence, and stay calm under pressure. Seeing incredible results from workshop members taking 10 minutes per day to create an abundance mindset has been really inspiring.

However, I also wanted to make a free video with my balances on the screen to help you align your energy. All you need to do is press play and breathe. Wherever you are in the world, regardless of your income, age, gender, race, or religion, I am here for you.

One mantra can change your life at the right moment…

We all have unique blocks for letting the prosperity flow freely, and usually it’s one small, specific change in mindset that can unlock abundance in the present moment.

If there is a specific mantra listed below that resonates with you strongly, repeat the specific mantra as needed throughout your day to integrate into daily life.

Usually on my morning walks I’ll press play on the video above, put my phone in my pocket, and quietly repeat the mantras to myself. Listening to this on a walk in nature can have powerful results. The list of these mantras in the order they are presented helps realign my energy to the deep abundance that is available in every moment. It’s also great to have on in the background during normal meditation practice, or even as a companion while you’re balancing rocks or going about your daily routine! In whatever capacity, I hope this serves you well.

Note: This video and mantras are copyright and not available for commercial reuse. If you wish to share in your personal social media account, please credit:

Travis Ruskus, @travisruskus, or

Now repeat these mantras aloud or silently in your head:

(as featured in the video above)

I am deep abundance

the forces of abundance and prosperity flow within me now

all fears and doubts are dissolving

my breath helps me find balance

my focus on the breath helps me experience deep abundance

life is a wonderful gift

I accept this gift with gratitude

I experience this moment deeply

This moment is teaching me something new

I have been given a golden ticket to live life

I shall use this ticket wisely

I can move mountains now

each breath is a stone of burden I no longer choose to carry

I release the past

each breath connects me with a greater energy

my breath puts me in harmony with nature

I see the ocean in just one drop of water

I see the mountain in just one rock

I am experiencing the universe one breath at a time

my ancestors live in my hands

my ancestors are protecting me

I am a symbol of their grace

I choose to live each day in honor of my ancestors

I accept abundance as it exists in this moment now

at my core is my truth

my love is abundant

my love is an ocean

my love inspires others to also become love

my love accepts things as they are

nothing stops my inner light from shining like the sun

every moment is a fresh start

I will be the first stone to move the mountain

there is an abundance of opportunity for me everywhere

others around me thrive from their own opportunities

when I am alone I feel connected to a greater energy

when I am with others I feel connected to a greater energy

I embrace fear

fear is an illusion

I smile at fear

the faster I face fear the more quickly fear goes away

on the other side of my fear is my freedom

every failure is a test to see how much I truly believe

I am determined to overcome failure

my failure is not final

my failure is a discovery process

I grow beyond failure now

my strength is built through resistance

I believe in my truth

my spirit aligns with positivity

when I am aligned I feel complete

I choose not to overthink

I choose to act

I act with determined purpose

I carefully listen to feedback so I can continue to evolve and grow

I trust the process

I believe in miracles

my life is a miracle

my breath is a miracle

my step leads me to serve my purpose

I am perfectly imperfect

my seed plants a forest of abundance

my roots stretch to the center of the Earth

my branches stretch to the sky

my thoughts are clouds slowly drifting by

my thoughts are abundance manifesting itself

I am a blue sky of awareness

I see and experience the abundance that surrounds me

I am worthy of being prosperous

my love shines on the Earth stronger than the sun

I have no limits

I boldly follow my vision

I trust in the abundance of the universe to provide for me

I live life without limits now

my vision is true

I am free

the future is an illusion

all that exists is this moment

I choose to fully experience this moment now

I move beyond my previous limits

I move beyond the limits of others

I am enough as I am in this moment

I am prosperous

I am wealthy

new streams of income flow to me now

I am living a rich and healthy life

my prosperity is a waterfall

abundance in my life flows deep

I see the abundance in others

I reach toward the stars that surround me

I am not attached to pain

I am not attached to love

the more I release the more I receive

each breath lets the flow of change carry me with it

I let go of who others want me to be

I let go of who I want myself to be

I embrace who I truly am now

my core is my abundance

my thoughts attract my desires

whatever I put my attention on will grow

every new challenge requires a new discovery of myself

with every step I discover my true power and responsibility to serve others

the many are one

the one are many

I release my grip on abundance to let the prosperity flow freely

I am efficient

less is more

I move with intention now

every moment is loved

I find bliss in easy moments

I find bliss in difficult moments

my work reaches toward the stars

I open to the abundance that surrounds me

I am always learning

I always have a beginners mind

every moment is a new experience

I nourish my body

I free my mind

I awaken my soul

my heart beats with gratitude

I am nourished

I am performing at my highest level

my soul is unique

the voice of my soul speaks quiet and true

I listen to my soul

my soul aligns with the universe

in stillness I receive abundance

I share my abundance with the world until my last breath

abundance flows within me

abundance surrounds me

I am deep abundance now

Upgrade Your Experience

If you want to dive deeper and learn how rock balancing can become a catalyst to help you let go of stress and make peace a daily habit, I invite you to read my book The Rock Balancer’s Guide or start my on-demand wellness workshops. I hope my learning resources serve you well on your unique journey ahead.

Thanks for reading! Peace to you.

Travis Ruskus

Rock Balance Meditation Artist


Connect with me on:



Find The Bliss